Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ramadan, The "What?" and the "WHA'?!"

The 20th of July marked the beginning of Ramadan this year (in Qatar). It is the 9th, and holiest month of the lunar Islamic calendar which lasts 29-30 days depending on the crescent moon. This means that the dates change every year. (Christians also use a lunar calendar to calculate the date of Easter).

Ramadan is a month of prayer, repentance, compassion, charity, and a time where most Muslims spend time with family and refocus their attention on their faith. The first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet Mohammed by the Angel Gabriel during a period of meditation and solitude in a cave near Mecca in the 7th century (Gabe' also PM'd Mary and Zechariah about the births of Jesus and John in the Old and New Testament). 
Mohammed receiving his first revelation from the angel Gabriel. Illustration from the book Jami' al-Tawarikh by Rashid al-Din, 1307A.D, Persia; now in the collection of the Edinburgh University Library, Scotland. 

During this holy month, Muslims fast from dawn until dusk. They not only abstain from food and drink during daylight hours, they also abstain from (in no particular order) sex, smoking and entertainment. They will also curb undesirable emotions such as anger, greed, envy, lust and refrain from gossip. 

Ramadan Cliffs notes. 

Things to keep in mind during Ramadan:

Eating, Drinking & Smoking
Fasting is compulsory for Muslims. Non-muslims are expected to respect and support those fasting.
No eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours. It is illegal. No gum chewing, no spitting, no mints. And don't think you're smart and tempt fate by taking a sip or a snack in your car, no one wants to get into trouble or see what jail is like because they were caught drinking water. Adults found eating or drinking during fasting time can face up to three months imprisonment or a fine of up to QR 3,000 (that's about $850 USD) or both. 

Dress Code
Modest attire is particularly important during Ramadan, and a rule to abide by year-round. This is a Muslim country, you did not land in Palm Beach. No shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, sleeveless tops, or revealing articles of clothing. Are your knees, shoulders or muffin top showing? Then cover it up, especially during this month. You can be fined, arrested or "verbally castrated" for showing too much skin. Dressing indecently is also punishable. 

No public displays of affection. Another all-the-time rule, but more so during this month. 

Watch your Language 
No abusive language, which includes giving the finger or any other rude or lewd gestures. This is also punishable by law and is another a year-round rule. Suffer from road rage? Time to get your wife to drive you around. Ryan isn't even on our car insurance anymore. Don't believe me? Ask him. 

And General Merrymaking...
No singing, dancing, laughing, joking, music, loud tv/ipod playing or anything that can be mistaken for lawless merrymaking. Turn your car stereo down and be mindful about playing loud music, even in the comfort of your own home. Again, this is a time of reflection.
Night clubs are closed and bars and restaurants do not serve alcohol during this month. 
The QDC (Qatar Distribution Company, the one place you can buy alcohol in the country) is closed for the month also.

DO Enjoy 
The food! The Iftar and Sohour feasts in the evenings are amazing! 
No traffic! Hurrah! ... Except for traffic jams just before Iftar or breaking fast.
The culture! Visit Fanar or Katara on open days to learn more about the culture and faith. 
The Sales!! A shopaholic never had it so good, and shops are open until midnight - 1am. 
Time with your family and friends, and take the time for a little reflection this month. 

Ramadan Mubarak
Have a Blessed Ramadan

Saturday, July 21, 2012

This Might be Wildly Inappropriate ...

... but sometimes you just have to laugh.
Mundane things, such as doing groceries, are never mundane in the Middle East when you come across gems like this.

This photo was taken in the grocery during my first few weeks here in Qatar. The 'octupussy' has been more appropriately labelled since then.
Happy weekend folks.

Mixed seafood? ..

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Hi guys and gals, I'll be posting again soon. So much to tell!
I've had visitors, I went to Trinidad for Carnival, I was on Safari in Kenya, vacationed in Thailand, Malaysia, and a few other places, there have been baby showers (not mine), bridal showers, and high teas, and a few more surprises and lots of news form the M.E! 
Keep checking this space. Lots of news to come!

In the meantime check out my newly updated website here !