So here it is. Here's the thing that is the absolute bane of my existence. It's right here in Qatar sitting right next to me as we speak (no, not my husband).
It's my own personal Frigidair portal to hell...
My washer-dryer.
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did I mention he's temperamental? |
Four hours-- FOUR hours to do one small load of laundry.
Here's some logic for you Frigidair! Your washer/dryer can wash 8 lbs of laundry (that's five-six t'shirts if you're lucky) but only Dry 4 lbs. How does this make sense? A consumer must remove half of their wet clothes from the washer-dryer for the drying cycle. Really? You let a man onto your design team or what?
Let's look at some math: 4 hours = < 5 t'shirts = 2-3 loads of laundry every day.
I haven't even mentioned the noise level of this little monster that lives too close to our living-room couch. You think Mugabe is bad? Try sitting next to this as$hole all day.

My beautiful bachelorette-pad in Trinidad had the most perfect bachelorette washing machine and dryer, all shiny and faithful, it took me 45 mins max to do a huge load of laundry (18lbs to be exact). So why, in an otherwise perfect expat world, does my washer-dryer have to be so awesomely bad?
On an infinitely more positive note.
The dry-cleaning place in the compound is open every day and they do home delivery. So as of a few days ago, my routine is this: I drop my clothes off on the way to the spa.. or pool.. whichever.
Life is rough out here in the M.E.

While I was looking for a picture to go along with this post I found a link that I would like to let the husband know I had absolutely nothing to do with called "top ten reasons why I hate my f*cking washing machine."
First of all, we have a washer-dryer, which is way worse than a regular washing machine.
Second, even though her problems sound just like mine, she still has a working dryer.
Third, I can not be linked to this site because you'd see the payment for the domain name "ifuckinghatemywashingmachine" on your credit card bill.
Laundry strike starts tomorrow.
The Mrs. gets a new machine.
It comes with a free vacuum.
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