The thing with the passport I possess is that to travel to most places I must obtain a travel visa. There was no exception when it came to our Thai honeymoon (see post 'From One (Amazing Day) To Ten)', so off we went to the Royal Thai Embassy in Doha with passports and supporting documents in hand.
Ryan walked up to the visa counter while I took a seat behind a couple Qataris. He returned moments later and sat next to me with an expression on his face that told me I was about to receive some bad news. I had a moment of panic.
What?! What had happened that we can't go on our spectacular vacation?!
We had all of our documents, Ry explained. All but one.
"Um, I have to give you written permission to travel."
"Well,... if you want me on our honeymoon then you better write that letter of permission."
"Right... got it!"
He hustled back to the counter and scribbled something on a plain piece of A4 printing paper along the lines of 'I hereby allow my wife to travel with me to Thailand...'

Was this what I was being warned about all this time? That wasn't so bad, kind of like ripping off a band-aid. Once you've had your autonomy threatened in the M.E you realize it's actually not an unpleasant experience (once you have an accommodating spouse), nor is it the end of the world. Gasp! Did I really just say that? To be fair this was a requirement for the Thai visa and not something I have to get every time I leave Qatar.
Being the strong, fiercely independent third-wave feminist he knows me to be, Ryan was still worried I may have been holding back my anger as we got into the car. However, I genuinely found it amusing that he had to write a letter of permission for me for anything. Saying that, I am sure I would have been furious wasting time at the embassy had he not been there. That's the nice thing about toting your doting husband around everywhere.
"Will you stop asking me if I'm okay? I'm glad I got my visa, regardless of how I got it. Now, would you just drive please?"
The Thing with the Other Visa...
On our way home I called our bank to activate my credit card that had just been issued to me.
It was 'simple' the bank teller said to me the day before, just call the number on the card, give them my name and Qatar ID number and...

"Ms. Shannon, can I speak to your husband?"
"Excuse me?"
"Is Ryan there?"
"Ha! Sure!"
I put the phone on speaker...
"Mr. Ryan, is it okay that we activate your wife's credit card?"
"Yes, it's okay. You can activate her card."
Ryan grins at me.
I roll my eyes as I hang up and he laughs.
Did I mention that every time I use the credit card a text message is sent to Ryan letting him know where I have been shopping and how much I spent?
Some men get text messages every time their wives leave and re-enter the country (they are allowed three,.. wives that is). We're not sure why Ryan does not get these text messages but he only has one wife to keep track of, so that shouldn't be too hard for him to handle.
People are surprised that I find none of this intrusive or offensive. I find it no different and far more transparent than other countries that have CCTV, access to your financial information, personal records, etc. Things that I can't do in public include giving someone the finger and stealing someone's falcon, along with a list of other things I probably shouldn't be doing anyway. It does not in any way affect my day to day life, and when things like these come up I oblige. Why? Because we have a happy life here. That's why. In the meantime I am afforded far more liberties here than I was where I am from because of safety.
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