Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Censorship - Stickers and Sharpies

How many times can my magazines be censored this month? 
Hint: much more than this (below).
These are just a few pages of about 30 or so that have been censored in the couple magazines I bought this month.

To be honest I find it more comical than annoying or intrusive as I wonder who sits in what office where with a black Sharpie and white stickers to cover offending female bits.

Below are pages from my Women's Health, Psychology Today and Marie Claire magazines.
Someone went through a lot of trouble to re-make almost the entire cover of the Psychology Today magazine on white sticker paper, and The Women's Health got more than a few layers of the white stickers to cover up that bikini bottom.

Below are examples of censorship of the black Sharpie variety.

Truth be told, this is nothing compared to Saudi where they draw on clothes and scratch out faces in pen.

On a side note, as I am not in the habit of buying children's books, but
did I mention that Disney's Piglet is banned in the Middle East?
I suppose it's understandable because he's pork right?
Sorry Piglet, no visa for you.
On some online forums, locals have said that the censorship of Piglet may be more to do with the sexual ambiguity of the character than because he's a pig (because he is pink Piglet is seen as a girl) and he (she) is naked... so poor Piglet gets Sharpied out of books along with breasts and bums.
By the way, anyone notice Pooh doesn't have any pants on? I'm guessing that's okay because he's a bear? or because he's a boy?

This post is brought to you by the letters "T & "A"

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